India: The Modi Question, Episode 2

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Published: 2023.01.25
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India: The Modi Question by BBC focuses on the role played by the then-chief minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 Gujarat riots that killed thousands and left millions homeless.

The second episode examines the track record of Narendra Modi’s government following his re-election in 2019. A series of controversial policies – the removal of Kashmir’s special status guaranteed under Article 370 of the Indian constitution and a citizenship law that many said treated Muslims unfairly – has been accompanied by reports of violent attacks on Muslims by Hindus.

Modi and his government reject any suggestion that their policies reflect any prejudice towards Muslims, but these policies have been repeatedly criticised by human rights organisations such as Amnesty International. That organisation has now closed its offices in Delhi following the freezing of its bank accounts in connection with an investigation into financial irregularities, according to the Indian government, a charge rejected by Amnesty.

In response to the government's ban, BBC said in a statement that the documentary was "rigorously researched" and "a wide range of voices, witnesses and experts were approached, featuring a range of opinions, including responses from people in the BJP."

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